Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our Mission: in a Very Small Nutshell

Living on a college campus has really shown me the reality a lot of my peers live in. I've seen people who are addicted to partying and alcohol; I've seen people who sleep around with different partners every week; I've seen people who showcase their bodies more than I could ever imagine doing. But today I realized there is only one thing that makes me different from these people.

I know how valuable I really am.

Let it be my mission, our CHURCH'S mission to show our brothers and sisters how truly VALUABLE they are. How loved and cherished they are. So much so that the world would not be the same without them. That they have a purpose and a unique plan so special that a man without sin died for them.

I'm really no different than everyone else. I've just seen and experienced a deep, soul-wrenching love that changed my life.

1 comment:

  1. Kylie, this is incredibly power. Thanks for sharing our mission in such a succinct poetic way.

    I miss you! Hope you love college. :)
