Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today as I was walking to class, I could hear two girls behind me talking. One girl asked her friend if her shoes were comfortable. The girl replied, "Yeah they are! You have to get a pair of Sperry's. Everyone wears them!" The same thing happened to me in my jazz class this morning. A couple of people behind me were making fun of a girl they knew because of what she wore and how she acted. She was "different". She dressed "differently".

Both those things really got me thinking. How different would this world be if people like that didn't exist? God made each of us so amazingly unique and different. Each part of us was created for his glory and to praise him and to impact the world. Imagine how much we could accomplish in this world if we all felt unbound by any expectation or label. Imagine if people in the church would all fully be themselves and live true to how God created them. How different would our worship be? Our services be? The way we praise our maker and the way we act around others?

I think we would see a group of people fully ALIVE.

This was also a gut check for me today. Am I that person that tries to hold people back? Where am I that person that puts bondage on people?

Let us be people who show others what true freedom looks like.

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